Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another Month Whizzed By!!!!

Now February whizzed by in a wink - just as well with a some RL family stuff but happily all is well chez Little Sis and Big Sis!!!! Here in darkest Wiltshire we've seen a little sun today and I'm happy to say that the wild daffodils outside my window have pushed through the grass and you can see the flower buds forming - a sure sign that Spring is here!!!! Elsewhere there are drifts of snowdrops (which my Mom used to call White Ladies) and crocus. The grocery store finally had daffies on sale today and I have a jug of these in my living room to cheer the still somewhat dark grey days. I know where my Big Sis is Spring isn't quite as advanced but even there it's getting progressively lighter at the start and end of the days now, even though they've had yet more of the pesky white stuff!!!!! But we are both grateful to live where we do considering what has happened weatherwise in other parts of the world!!!! Today it's still comfort food even though we're keen for a change . . . sausage casserole made with proper plump pork sausages with no nasty cereal filler!!!! Sausages how they should be, browned with shallots then braised slowly with hard cider, Bramley cooking apples and mushrooms then served with baked potatoes and slow-braised red cabbage!!!!! This together with a bowl of mixed salad, some roast chicken chunks, dressing and croutons will be meals in the week with minimum effort!!! Let's be honest, after a hard day's work the last thing most folks want to do is nance about in the kitchen - I want to relax, eat and shower!!!! And stitch of course . . . White Star pix will shortly be updated on my Big Sis's website and if I do say as much she is looking rather good!!!! I collect the small cat piece that Big Sis finished for me from the framers in a couple of week's time and will post pix. And I think we're all ready for sight of Spring now . . . although Big Sis and I enjoy cozy crumpet-weather Winter days, stitching and with the occasional mug of hot chocolate, it's time now for Old Man Winter to pack his bags!!!! Have a good stitchy weekend and stay warm!!!!!